203 South Tamarind Avenue

Applications Filed For Two 331-Foot-Tall Buildings At 203 S. Tamarind Avenue In West Palm Beach

Applications have been filed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for two 331-foot-tall buildings located at 203 South Tamarind Avenue and 150 Clearwater Drive in West Palm Beach. The filings are in relation to a 10-acre transit-oriented development known as Transit Village, which is being led by principal Michael Masonoff and developed in a joint partnership with Globe Invest Limited, the Related Group and BH Group. Approved plans for Transit Village include the development of up to 1.5 million square feet including 308,000 square feet of Class-A office space, a 300-key hotel, 24,000 square feet of retail space, 408 residential units, 12 live-work townhouses and 3,500 square feet of civic/community space. Dallas-based The Beck Group is the architect behind the most recent renderings of the project, which is expected to cost in the range of $500 million to build. The project would rise on city- and county-owned land surrounding the Tri-Rail and Amtrak West Palm Beach transit station.

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