Low-Income Seniors

Second Phase Of Quail Roost Station Breaks Ground Along Forthcoming Transit Hub In Miami-Dade County

Atlantic Pacific Companies has broken ground on an affordable housing project for seniors at Quail Roost Station in Perrine. This development will be a hub along Miami-Dade County’s forthcoming electric bus rapid transit system and offer direct access to public transportation along the South Dade TransitWay, making it a crucial part of its transit-oriented community initiatives.

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Developers complete residential component for Sawyer’s Walk at 249 NW 6th Street in Overtown, Miami

SG Holdings, a partnership among Swerdlow Group, SJM Partners, and Alben Duffie, has completed the housing component of Sawyer’s Walk at Located at 249 Northwest 6th Street in Overtown, marking it as the largest affordable senior living community in the US within the last decade. The mixed-use development includes 1.5 million square feet of space, featuring 578 residential units for low-income seniors, 175,000 square feet for retailers, a 25,000-square-foot public plaza, and 130,000 square feet of office space for MSC Group’s North American cruise division headquarters.

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