
The Collective Wynwood. Designed by nArchitects.

Permits Filed For The Collective Wynwood At 2825 NW 2nd Avenue In Miami

New construction and demolition permits have been filed for The Collective Wynwood, a 12-story mixed-use building planned to rise at 2825 Northwest 2nd Avenue in Wynwood, Miami. Designed by nArchitects with Corwil Architects as the architect of record for Wynwood Gateway II, LLC, an entity managed by New York City-based The Collective, $210 million will be invested in to the development for the construction of 351,443 square feet of space including 108 communal living units, 70 lodging units, 9,508 square feet of ground floor retail, 82,000 square feet of shared amenities and 163 underground parking spaces. The structure is projected to rise approximately 159-feet bound between Northwest 28th and 29th Streets.

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Royal Pointe Apartments. Designed by Burgos Lanza Architects & Planners.

102-Unit Multifamily Development Proposed For 11350 Dunbar Drive In Richmond Heights

Pre-application plans have been filed with Miami-Dade County’s Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources for the development of a 102-unit multifamily residential complex at 11350 Dunbar Drive in Richmond Heights. Hollywood-based affordable housing developer the Cornerstone Group is listed as the applicant, with Pablo Burgos of Burgos Lanza Architects & Planners onboard for the design. Titled Royal Pointe Apartments, plans call for the construction of four 3-story buildings on 5.05-acres of mostly vacant land, each rising approximately 36-feet in height. The interior lot, owned by Anvil Community Development Corp, is bound by Booker T Washington Boulevard to the south, Carver Drive to the west and Lincoln Boulevard to the east.

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Site Location. Courtesy of Trammell Crow Residential.

Trammell Crow Residential’s 250-Unit Alexan Miramar Approved For 3100 SW 145th Avenue In Broward County

The City Commission of Miramar has approved rezoning efforts from Dallas-based Trammell Crow Residential, which rezones two parcels of land totaling 17.16 acres located on the northwest corner of Miramar Parkway and Southwest 145th Avenue in Broward County. First reported by The Real Deal, the Commission unanimously voted to rezone the development site from Community Business (B2) to Mixed-Use Low (ML), that of which includes an existing 4-story office building and the 9-acre section of land that the developer intendeds to improve with two 6-story residential buildings called the Alexan Miramar.

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